Welcome to our NEW In This Issue page! Here you will be able to read the individual articles from the latest magazine issue. Be sure to scroll down to read all of the Jul-Sept 2020 issues, and watch for our next issue, coming soon! 

Legislative Deadline Aftermath

I hope everyone is enjoying spring so far. We recently reached the first two milestones of the Nevada Legislative Session. On April 9th, any bills

Nevada Farm Bureau News

Attention Turns To Protecting Farmers and Ranchers From Taxes While there is still plenty to be concerned about when it comes to the on-going activities

NEWS RELEASE: April 13, 2021

The Nevada Supreme Court has re-examined a critical grazing issue and acknowledged a recent misstep, handing down a ruling that corresponds with the state’s historical

“30 BY 2030”

One of the first things President Biden did after his inauguration was to sign an Executive Order outlining the goal of protecting 30 percent of