Welcome to our NEW In This Issue page! Here you will be able to read the individual articles from the latest magazine issue. Be sure to scroll down to read all of the Jul-Sept 2020 issues, and watch for our next issue, coming soon! 

Precision Grazing At Its Best

The Symbiotic Union Of Weed Warriors And The United States Forest Service Should anyone doubt the validity of precision grazing, known also as prescribed grazing

Farm Bill

The farm bill is a critical tool for ensuring our nation’s food supply remains secure. Funding for this package, which could more accurately be called

The Martin Fire: Then and Now

​Historically, wildfires in the northern Great Basin big sagebrush plant communities experienced wildfire intervals of every 60-110 years and mostly occurred in the late summer

Farmers’ Clean Water Commitment

fb.org/issue/regulatory-reform/waters-of-the-united-states Farmers play a leading role in protecting our nation’s streams and wetlands. Over the last 15 years, the number of acres protected through wetland