Welcome to our NEW In This Issue page! Here you will be able to read the individual articles from the latest magazine issue. Be sure to scroll down to read all of the Jul-Sept 2020 issues, and watch for our next issue, coming soon! 

The Daily Roundup

BLM: Director Stone-Manning confirms plans for headquarters Stone-Manning: Agency moving back to D.C., leaving two officials in Colorado, Missoula Current – The Bureau of Land

NFB Grassroots Newsletter

More Emails Needed In Contacts With U.S. Senators We appreciate the number of Farm Bureau members who have sent their emails to the two Nevada

Another Great Annual NFB Meeting

The Nevada Farm Bureau celebrated the 102nd Annual NFB Meeting November 17-19 at the Fallon Convention Center in Fallon, NV. The focus of annual meeting

Nevada CattleWomen

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I personally am excited to have the fresh start of a new year. I

Reflections on 2021

As we launch into another year, I’m pleased to be able to share with you some of the Nevada Beef Council’s highlights from 2021. As

2021 NCA Year In Review

This year seemed to fly by, but not without some ups and down along the way. The Nevada livestock industry faced a drought like many

The COVID New Normal

Life changed forever in March 2020 when the shutdowns due to COVID-19 hit, and as 2021 comes to an end, where exactly are we now?