Welcome to our NEW In This Issue page! Here you will be able to read the individual articles from the latest magazine issue. Be sure to scroll down to read all of the Jul-Sept 2020 issues, and watch for our next issue, coming soon! 

Happy New Year!

The start of the new year brings exciting new momentum and new initiatives for beef promotion in Nevada. The Nevada Beef Council (NBC) ended the

Bringing Basins Back Into Balance

Perennial yield is the maximum amount of groundwater that can be salvaged each year over the long term without depleting the groundwater reservoir. In a

The Clean Water Act of 1972

Fifty years is a long time and looking back on events during my lifetime, it is a wonder how quickly the years add up. We

USDA Programs: What is Where?

The livestock industry was able to access price supports for livestock as a result of agricultural COVID-19 relief programs, but the producer financial supports right