Welcome to our NEW In This Issue page! Here you will be able to read the individual articles from the latest magazine issue. Be sure to scroll down to read all of the Jul-Sept 2020 issues, and watch for our next issue, coming soon! 

Great Basin Bull Sale Results

The Inaugural Great Basin Bull Sale was held on February 18, 2023 at the new Rafter 3C Arena in Fallon, Nevada. With over 300 attendees,

Beavers and Riparian Habitats

The role of beavers in riparian ecosystems of western North America is a two-edged sword. Meadows created by beaver dams and ponds, with all their

The Legislative Process

I thought a good topic for this column would be a discussion of the legislative process since the Nevada Legislature convened for the bi-annual meeting

President’s Perspective

It was actually Charles Dudley Warner who said “Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it”. Weather might have been the most