Riding for the NCA Brand – March 2024

A few weeks ago, I arrived home from the NCBA Convention in Orlando, Florida. Since it was NCA membership money that paid for my rooms and plane ticket, I feel compelled to give everyone an update on the convention, relationship with NCBA, and why we attend. There were lots of good updates, information, and votes on policy. CattleFax general session projects that we are going to have good prices forecasted for the foreseeable future with the market topping in 2026 as the industry is in the herd expansion phase. The in-depth weather forecast projected that we are moving back into a La Nina by summer and drought may begin to return (don’t kill the messenger).

The major resolution that was the “talk of the town” was brought forward by several states and feeder groups that basically mandated Electronic Identification Tags in all cattle by 2026. It is important to understand that with any grass roots member led group anyone can bring a resolution forward for the larger group to review, discuss and vote on, to be adopted into policy. NCBA doesn’t bring forward their own policy or agenda. They are directed by membership to set policy at the grass roots level. They work for us as the industry and we set their policy. As NCA, we engaged with NCBA leadership and voiced our concerns. NCA’s major concern was that it was going to be an unfunded federal mandate that burdened one sector of our industry and we all know how Nevadan’s feel about government mandates.

The risk of a major disease outbreak and food safety and security is not to be taken lightly. This has the potential to be catastrophic to our industry and we need to do our part and be as prepared as we possibly can. Anyone in the cattle business should be thinking about traceability and how to prepare their operations. The aforementioned resolution did pass, but it was greatly watered down and NOT mandated. NCA did vote against the resolution for now, but if federal funding gets secured, our questions get answered, and the outreach & education get done, we as producers are going to need to support traceability for our own risk management. We need to stay engaged so we a have a seat at the table to shape the policy that guides our future.

Lastly, I want to talk about DC update that the team at NCBA gave. It is mindboggling the amount of issues that they deal with on our behalf every day. The complexity of issues and thought required to deal with these issues is impressive to say the least (it’s chess not checkers). Colin, Ethan, Sigrid, Tanner, and the rest of the team may not be able to gather and preg-check 1,000 cows in one day, but they would have a lot better chance of getting it done than I would trying to navigate my way around DC to get 377 votes in our favor to kill a bad bill! I’m glad they’re there doing what they’re really good at so I can be here at the ranch doing what I like to do. They work hard on our behalf.

Many Presidents before me have worked really hard on forwarding the relationship with NCBA making sure we have a strong voice and a seat at the table. NCA doesn’t always align with NCBA, but as long as we maintain the relationship we will have a voice and seat at the table to help shape our own future.

I’ll close by saying your President’s Perspective – Given the political climate and leadership in DC, we need all the friends we can get!

Hanes Holman | President, Nevada Cattlemen’s Association