President’s Perspective – July/August 2022

I love a good western show. I usually don’t mind a bad western show. The most watched show on cable TV is Yellowstone, are you a fan? I confess it’s the train wreck I can’t not watch. I’ve been asked repeatedly by urban friends if that’s how it is out on the ranch, and my favorite reply is, “Absolutely!” Especially the notion that everybody on ranches and reservations is exceptionally attractive.

Not all of us are fans for sure; there are those of us who believe shows like that make a mockery of our culture. It’s completely understandable, interesting to me though that some of the biggest detractors of a show like Yellowstone for the misinterpretation of our way of life also don’t get why the Washington Football Team changed their name.

We can debate P.T. Barnum’s notion that “There’s no such thing as bad publicity,” but one thing is for sure, a discussion with our beef and ecosystem services customers about a show like Yellowstone is a great foot in the door for the discussion about what’s really going on out here, and how their food is raised.

I hope you’ll take every opportunity to do just that and rest assured the leadership of your Association absolutely is.

Oh, and our train station in Elko is a pretty scary place, too.

By Jon Griggs | President, NCA