NCA President’s Perspective

NCA Presidents Perspective

Happy New Year to everyone! It feels good to have 2020 behind us and, although none of us know what 2021 will bring, we need to continue moving forward because time waits for no one.

As I’ve mentioned before, we are facing a very important legislative session. With the legislature opening in just a couple of weeks, we have a lot of work to do. There are various water bills being considered this session pertaining to priority as well as our ability to prove and maintain beneficial use. The NCA supports maintaining current water law and will continue working toward that end.

I continue to hear complaints regarding the Nevada Department of Agriculture’s animal industry division and we are working to make sure that our needs are known.

Another concerning issue we are keeping a close eye on is SB 54, a bill that could potentially change the makeup of the Nevada Board of Agriculture and result in livestock losing as many as three positions on the board to food distribution. We have already been in discussions within our executive board and with some of our legislators to maintain our existing positions and ensure that the livestock industry is well represented. We are a large part of the agricultural industry in this state and we are committed to ensuring that we will not be forgotten or pushed aside.

Tom Barnes, President, Nevada Cattlemen’s Association