Are Cattle Spreading Cheatgrass Through Excrement?

A brief discussion on evaluating the effects of ruminal incubation and abomasal enzymatic digestion on the germination potential of Bromus tectorum.

The Great Basin of North America is home to a rich population of wildlife and also supports a ranching industry for rural communities, the foundation of which is supported by a mixture of important vegetative species.1,2 The disastrous introduction of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) to the Great Basin presents significant ecological and economic challenges.3 This invasive species has spread quickly across Western Rangelands, which has resulted in increased land management budgets as well as impacts to agricultural productivity.2,4,5

Because cheatgrass matures rapidly, it is highly competitive against native bunchgrass species.6,7 A significant hurdle for producers to overcome is that cheatgrass’s poor quality reduces its palatability as a forage for livestock.8 Considering this, the grass has led to an accumulation of fine fuel.3,9 Cheatgrass stands create favorable conditions for fire, and in turn, the fire reduces competition against cheatgrass establishment.2,10,11 This cheatgrass-fire dynamic has created a shift in the Great Basin’s natural fire cycle, resulting in the intensification of the Great Basin’s fire cycle.2,6,12

Concerns regarding livestock grazing in cheatgrass-infested rangelands has often speculated on the spreading of cheatgrass seeds through cattle excrement. To better understand if cheatgrass seeds are still viable after ruminant digestion, our study used lab-based and field-based techniques to investigate the impact that the ruminant digestive tract has on the seeds of cheatgrass.

Materials and Methods

1.0 In vitro (in glass) ruminal and abomasum incubation

​Cheatgrass seeds were harvested in the fall of 2022 and in the spring of 2023 from the Greater Reno, NV area. One gram of seed was weighed and sealed into filter bags and separated based on their season of harvest. Rumen fluid was collected from two rumen-cannulated crossbred Angus steers and placed into receptacles in an incubation chamber. The seeds were incubated in the rumen fluid for 0, 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours, at a constant temperature of 102.2ºF. After each incubation time, 4g of pepsin (a digestive enzyme) was added to the rumen fluid. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) was also added to make the fluid acidic (pH 3.2), this solution represented the abomasum chamber in the bovine digestive tract. The bags of seeds were incubated in this enzyme solution for 3 hours. Once this stage was complete, the bags were sorted by the season of seed collection and incubation time. Fifty seeds were counted into petri dishes in replicates of four. The seeds were counted for germination once a week for a period of five weeks. Water was added as needed.

1.2 In situ (in situation) ruminal and abomasum incubation of seeds

Five grams of cheatgrass seeds were weighed into bags. The seeds were grouped by the season of harvest. The bags were inserted into the rumen of one of four cannulated steers for incubation times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 hours. After the bags were removed, they were placed in an acidic enzyme solution for three hours as described in the previous section. The seeds were then placed into petri dishes in replicates of four and monitored for five weeks.

1.3 Germinating seeds in fecal material after digestion

​Following the procedure for the in vitro incubation, the seeds were incubated for 48 hours, and then mixed into the feces collected from the Angus cross steers. The fecal and seed mixture had a ratio of 1:1, and was placed into tin pie dishes to form fecal pats at depths of 0.5”, 1.0”, and 1.5” in replicates of seven. The fecal pats were allowed to germinate for five weeks without water. After the first five weeks, water was added every three days for an additional five weeks.


​Our in vitro and in situ studies both found that the germination of cheatgrass seed decreased in association with increased ruminal incubation time. After 36 hours in the rumen, cheatgrass seed showed nearly no germination (Figure 1; Figure 2). The season in which the seeds were collected also had a significant effect, with fall harvested seeds degrading slightly slower than spring seeds (Figure 1; Figure 2). Further, our fecal germination study found that after a five-week period without water, no cheatgrass seeds germinated for any fecal depth level. Similarly, after five weeks with water allocation, no germination was exhibited amongst any fecal depth.


​Our study highlights the negative effects that the ruminant digestive tract has on the seeds of cheatgrass and may assist in the development of targeted grazing management strategies for cheatgrass control. Results indicate that after the cheatgrass seeds are consumed by a ruminant, the seeds are sufficiently degraded by the microbes in the rumen, and are unlikely to germinate after 36 hours of being inside the rumen. While we found that there is a delay in the deterioration of seeds harvested in the fall, the consumption of these seeds will be associated with highly lignified, low quality forages which are common in the mature cheatgrass stands grazed in the fall, resulting in slower passage rates.8,13,14 Our findings offer a deeper insight into the detrimental effects ruminal conditions have on cheatgrass seeds and may ease concerns surrounding the misconception that cattle are spreading cheatgrass seeds through their excrement.

Figure 1. The evaluation of germination potential of Bromus tectorum (B. tectorum) seeds collected from the Greater Reno, NV area in October 2022 (Fall) and May 2023 (Spring) after exposure to in situ ruminal incubation (in hours) paired with 3 hours of in vitro abomasal digestion. Final germination expressed as a percentage of the total seeds examined.

Figure 2. The evaluation of germination potential of Bromus tectorum (B. tectorum) seeds collected from the Greater Reno, NV area in October 2022 (Fall) and May 2023 (Spring) after exposure to in vitro incubation (in hours) paired with 3 hours of in vitro abomasal digestion. Final germination expressed as a percentage of the total seeds examined.



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