
What is trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis (trich) is a venereal disease of cattle caused by the organism Tritrichomonas foetus.

How is trich transmitted?

Trich is transmitted through sexual contact. Although they are not routinely tested, females can be carriers of the disease and pass it on to bulls through sexual contact.

What are the signs of infection?

There are no outward signs of infection, but abortions and markedly decreased calf-crops, especially in 1st calf heifers, could indicate that a herd has been infected with trich.

What can I do to prevent trich in my cattle?

Ensure your bulls are tested annually for trich. Purchase only virgin bulls.

What are the trich testing requirements?

Per IDAPA 02.04.29 “Rules Governing Trichomoniasis,” annual testing is required for all resident non-virgin bull and all bulls 24 months of age or older. This testing season runs from 9/1 to 8/31, however, testing must be completed by April 15th unless an extension is requested in writing and approved by the administrator. Per IDAPA 02.04.21 “Rules Governing the Importation of Animals,” current (within the past 60 days) testing is required for all non-virgin bulls and all bulls 18 months or older being imported to Idaho from any other state. The only exception to this timeframe is herds moving on approved grazing permits. These herds must have and submit a current season trich test with their grazing permit application.

How do I get my bulls tested?

Contact your veterinarian to schedule your annual testing.

What will testing cost me?

Costs could vary depending on the veterinarian and test method you choose. Idaho considers both culture and PCR tests to be valid. Tests can be run with pooled samples, but the pooling must be completed at an approved laboratory.

How do I avoid testing?

At this time, the only producers who do not have to test their bulls for trich are those feeding cattle in an approved feedlot with no breeding contact and those who have an approved rodeo bull lot. Unless you have been approved as one of these facility types, you must test all of your test-eligible bulls.

Can I vaccinate my animals?

There is a vaccination available for females. Check with your veterinarian if you are interested.

What do I do if I see a bull without a current trich tag?

Because untested bulls can put the health of your herd at risk, if you are concerned that bulls near or in your herd have not been tested appropriately please contact Animal Industries at (208) 332-8540 or via our complaint form. For your reference, the 2022 trich season has White tags, 2021 had Green and 2020 had Yellow.

What do I do with stray bulls?

If you find a bull that does not belong to your herd, you can contact the Idaho Brand Inspector for help determining ownership and returning it to the proper herd. If the animal has no brand, you can call Animal Industries at (208) 332-8540.

Trichomoniasis is a reportable disease in Idaho.

If you have a question that is not covered here, please contact Animal Industries by email or at (208) 332-8540.